TAKEM MBI Bienvenu Magloire is a holder of a Master’s of Philosophy (MPhil) in Conservation Leadership and Doctorate/PhD from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom and the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon respectively. Senior Research Officer (Maître de Recherche), at the National Institute of Cartography, P.O. Box, 157, INC, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Noms et prénomsDr. Takem Mbi Bienvenu Magloire
Téléphone+237 677815234
GradeMaitre de recherche/Senior Research Officer
FonctionHead of the Research Laboratory for Natural Risk
Domaine de rechercheNatural Resources Management/conservation, with a working knowledge of remote sensing and GIS and Risk Management
LaboratoireLaboratoire de Recherche sur les Risques Naturels 

Publications scientifiques

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